
Catholic Gift Annuity - Administered by Catholic Extension

A charitable gift annuity to benefit the Catholic organization(s) of your choice is a generous expression of your support for the Catholic Church. The Catholic Gift Annuity program, provided in partnership with our bishop, is an effective way to make sure your legacy lives on.

Benefits: Receive fixed payments for life; a portion of these payments are tax free. Receive an income tax deduction for a portion of your gift, as allowed by IRS rules. Join a pool of thousands of Catholics in a financially strong program that helps the Catholic Church. Feel satisfied in making a significant gift that benefits you now and the Catholic organization(s) of your choice for future generations.

Features: Secure, convenient deposit of payments into your preferred bank account. Three types of annuities to select from (rates vary). The Catholic Gift Annuity program combines your gift with others from across the U.S. to increase the impact of your generosity. The minimum amount to establish a gift annuity is $5000.00; the minimum age to receive income is 55 years old.

Catholic Gift Annuity is administered by Catholic Extension, which has been providing charitable gift annuities since 1912. Catholic extension provides this service to support people, infrastructure and ministries of our diocese and others across the United States. To maintain financial strength of this program's reserves, Catholic Extension may retain up to 10% of the amount distributed to catholic organization(s). For more information please visit:; phone 1-800-842-7804 or email:

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